life coaching
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My own personal growth coach
A personal development coach is someone who helps you manage different aspects of your life, from career goals to finances and personal life. Although there are professional coaches who are paid for their ideas, each of us can "move" our own destiny. Read this article and you'll learn how.
Part One: Engage in Introspection
Try to look at your life from an objective point of view, or in other words, from the other person's point of view. This can take months, so be patient and keep reminding yourself to take a step back from time to time to reflect.
Pay attention to your reactions to stress, excitement, anger, and anxiety. Although everyone has experienced these emotions at least once, we all deal with them differently. Do you respond to these emotions rationally, or do you allow them to grow enormously? Pay attention to what triggers these emotions: school, work, your family, your spouse, and so on.
2. Pay attention to your relationships with others . Your relationships with friends, family members, loved ones, and colleagues can reveal a lot about your personality. Ask yourself the following questions::
Do you often fight with your friends and family? Who usually provokes these quarrels? How do you manage your differences? Do you compromise or always stand up for your position? Are there certain people in your life who annoy you or make you feel insecure? Why is this happening? Have you ever neglected or ignored the interests of your loved ones? When was the last time you showed a friend or loved one that you cared about them?
3. Recognize your fears and worries about the future. This way you will see your fears from the outside, separating the rational from the irrational. The point is to determine whether the fear is rational (that is, it is a real danger), or it is related to personal experiences. Consider the following exercise: Think about fear. For example: “I'm afraid to go to my boss because I don't consider myself a good employee.” Now imagine that one of your good friends or one of your family members told you that he feels this way. How would you react? What advice would you give? Would you tell a person to give up everything, or would you say it's worth trying? We often give better advice than we would have done ourselves, because of a biased view of our own experiences.
Remember that even the most successful inventors, entrepreneurs, and scientists have doubted their abilities at some point in their lives. They may have been told by others that what they wanted to do was impossible, but they still tried and followed their dream.
4. Keep a diary . Diaries are a great way to keep track of what's going on in your life (both the ups and downs) and how you react to these situations. Reviewing your diary entries will help you look at your life from the outside, pay attention to your thinking patterns, and identify recurring problems.
Go back and reread your old notes after some time has passed. Now that you're not in the heat of the moment, do you think you were responding correctly to the situation? How could you handle it better? Keep this in mind for the future.
Part Two: Choosing the Right Path
Learn to distinguish between interests and hobbies. Just because you enjoy playing guitar doesn't necessarily mean you should pursue music as a career. If you eat, sleep, and breathe a guitar, then keep practicing and improving your skill and follow your dream.
Don't give up your hobby. Just because your hobby isn't profitable doesn't mean you can't or shouldn't pursue it. In fact, the opposite is true. Life is about finding a balance between work and entertainment, and avoiding one or the other will have a detrimental effect on your emotional health. Remember, if you have never worked on anything, you will not be able to appreciate your free time, which you should devote to hobbies or spend with friends.
3. Follow your goals faithfully and responsibly . When you have already set your mind on a certain goal, follow it. Be prepared for obstacles and don't expect immediate results. Everything good takes time and hard work, but it will be worth it in the long run when you reach your goals. Remember that at the end of your life, you're more likely to regret what you didn't do than what you did.
4. Stand up for yourself . In real life, you will definitely encounter people who will try to take advantage of you, whether financially or emotionally. While you should try to be a sensitive and caring person on the one hand, you should also be firm and not let people get over you.
Be skeptical when people ask you to lend them money, constantly expect you to pay for everything, or ask for a favor without reciprocating. This person probably wants to take advantage of you.
Talk about it if something bothers you. Whether it's your employer, your spouse, or a family member, you should get in the habit of calmly letting people know when they cross the line. You may be surprised to learn that this person had no idea what was upsetting you.
Part Three: Acquiring a Positive Outlook
If you find yourself having a negative thought, take a step back, identify the thought, and label it as " negative”" If you learn to separate negative thoughts, it will help you get rid of anxiety and worries.
Start practicing meditation regularly. Meditation is the practice of developing self-awareness. Meditation will not only teach you to get rid of negative thoughts, it will help you calm all thoughts, good and bad, so that you can learn to enjoy the present moment.
2. Surround yourself with positive people . Remember that other people's energy will reflect on you, especially if you spend a lot of time with them. Make it a point to spend time with friends and family who make you feel better, not worse.
You should never leave friends and family members whom you consider “negative”. Instead, try to make a positive impact on these people's attitudes, rather than succumb to their negativity.
Immediately end any physically or emotionally abusive relationship. No matter how forgiving a person you are, there is no forgiveness for domestic violence.
Return to positive memories. Although it may seem impossible to forget embarrassing or sad memories, many of us return to the beautiful things that were in our lives. Think about the best days of the past month or year. Remember special parties, holidays, and vacations.
Appreciate the wonderful people you have in your life. If you're depressed because you don't have a boyfriend or girlfriend, dwelling on that missing element will only make you more unhappy. Be grateful for all the wonderful friends and family that you have in your life.
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My own personal growth coach A personal development coach is someone who helps you manage different aspects of your life, from caree...